

Will a Fan Cool My Workshop?

Do you have a workshop that gets uncomfortably hot? If so, you are probably looking for a way to keep it cool so you can spend more time there. Your first thought is likely: a workshop fan will do the job. But will it? There are some situations in which a workshop fan might be…

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Can I Use a Swamp Cooler for My Workshop?

If you are unhappy with the heat in your workshop, you might be looking for a cooling solution. A swamp cooler, also commonly referred to as an evaporative cooler, is an effective and efficient cooling solution. Can you use a swamp cooler for your workshop? Yes, in most cases, this is a suitable solution for…

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Why Do Outdoor Fans Stop Working?

If you have an outdoor fan you like to turn on while on your patio, it can be annoying when it stops working. This can make your patio suddenly an unbearable place to be. Sometimes, there are easy fixes to get the fan working again. Other times, you might need to replace the fan. Cord…

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How to Store Outdoor Equipment for the Winter

Fall is upon us. The leaves are turning. The nights and mornings are growing cold, and the days are becoming bearable again. Soon winter will be upon us, which means it’s time to store all the outdoor equipment you used all summer. Here are some of the steps to go through to minimize the damage…

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Are Evaporative Coolers or Misting Systems Better for My Patio?

As the summer heat increases, you might be used to retreating inside. This is a shame because your patio looks so inviting, and it would be a wonderful place to hang out, either by yourself or when entertaining company, if the heat wasn’t so oppressive. What you need is a good cooling solution for your…

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Is Your Home Workshop Ready for Hot Summer Temperatures?

Summertime seems like an excellent opportunity to get a lot of home projects done. Unfortunately, many people find that the season for using their home workshop is far too short. Your workshop won’t stay comfortable for long unless you take steps to deal with rising outdoor temperatures. So how can you keep your workshop cool…

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Keep Your Patio Cool for Mother’s Day

Getting together with friends and family is one of the most popular activities for Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, with the pandemic continuing to threaten, getting together at a restaurant or any indoor activity seems unwise. A family gathering on the patio seems like the perfect solution. Unfortunately, in mid-May, the temperatures can already be climbing across…

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