
One-year Anniversary of Portacool Park


Our team is thrilled to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Portacool Park in Center, Texas, our hometown of 28+ years. What started out as a vision for the park’s renewal became a reality last June when the park opened with expanded facilities ranging from the covered pavilion/basketball court to updated facilities and multi-purpose areas.  There are even permanent Portacool evaporative cooler stations set-up to provide cooling on hot Texas days to park patrons.

“It has been wonderful to see the community embrace the park and put it to good use,” says Thomas Morrison, Director of Marketing at Portacool. “We are pleased that families are enjoying the space, along with local churches and businesses. Having a nice space to host outdoor events like egg hunts and movie nights has given our hometown a wonderful boost.”

Since the grand opening, hundreds have been visiting the park each week.